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The student news site of Grand Junction High School

The Orange and Black Newspaper

The student news site of Grand Junction High School

The Orange and Black Newspaper

The student news site of Grand Junction High School

The Orange and Black Newspaper

Title IX to be refined?

Title IX to be refined?

Danny Duffy December 14, 2021

Title IX is a governmental act that has been in place since 1972. Despite this, it is still a highly controversial subject. It states that “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex,...

Cheers to the holidays

Cheers to the holidays

The Orange and Black's 4th period decided to do a taste test of Starbucks Holiday Seasonal drinks. Each drink is ranked in terms of presentation, flavor, and overall out of the 5 drinks we reviewed; Peppermint...

A Reflection On Remote Learning

A Reflection On Remote Learning

Ashley Guddat, News Editor May 4, 2020

Doing school work in my pajamas, playing with my dog in the middle of math class, hiking and Netflix breaks in between assignments, online schooling definitely has its perks. However, the quality of learning...

Photo Illustration

Namast’ay Healthy

Annika Sisac, Reporter April 21, 2020

My alarm goes off at 7:00 every morning. I yawn, scratch my head, make a super big cup of chai tea, and unroll my yoga mat onto my bedroom floor.  I always get super excited when I hear the slap of...

"So this dyslexic guy walks into a bra."

“So this dyslexic guy walks into a bra.”

Annika Sisac, Reporter February 24, 2020

“Wait. You’re dyslexic? But you’re so smart.” When I tell people that I am dyslexic they are blown away. They can’t believe that someone who takes AP classes, has a 4.0, and never seems to struggle...

Teach Us

Teach Us

Kyla Dare, Photographer Editor January 31, 2020

When we were kids we didn’t worry about anything. We enjoyed our lives to the fullest. As we went on with our lives we had many bumps in the road along the way. Family problems, relationships, grades,...

Graphic by Annika Sisac

Reducing Finals Stress

Alyssa Williams, Reporter December 20, 2019

Everyone has stress over finals week. Whether it’s that one class you just don’t get, or you’re nervous you won’t pass. It often feels like you don’t have enough time to get everything done....

The Duplication Epidemic

The Duplication Epidemic

Annika Sisac, Reporter September 10, 2019

GJHS has a new high security standard with expertly made plastic hall passes in order to travel around campus. At each hallway a scanning system was installed over the summer and without a hall pass,...

1985 GJHS graduation picture.

The Last Valedictorian

Sophie Middlemas, Online Editor April 18, 2019

Having a valedictorian is a high school tradition that has been happening since the early 1800s and to eradicate this tradition would be to eradicate the dreams of hard-working students. “I am disappointed...

Editorial: We need a new school

Editorial: We need a new school

By Luke Aubert & Madi Martinez, Graphic by Mason Toth March 15, 2019

In March, we published our special issue investigating the condition of GJHS. For our third issue, we have solely focused on the building of Grand Junction High School, the good, the bad, and the ugly....

Where's Our School Spirit: Pep Assemblies

Where’s Our School Spirit: Pep Assemblies

Riley Lovato, Students and Culture Editor February 6, 2019

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a pep assembly is an activity before a school sports event that is meant to get students and fans excited and to encourage the team to win. GJHS holds about...

Government Shutdown

Government Shutdown

Delaney Kidd, Editor in Chief January 24, 2019

On December 22, 2018, Donald Trump partially shut down the federal government when politicians hit an impasse after Trump requested $5 billion in funding for a U.S.-Mexico wall. The government has officially...

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