
The Orange & Black, a legally recognized public forum for student expression, is published four times a year by the Newspaper Class for students of Grand Junction High School. Expression made by students in the exercise of the freedom of speech or freedom of press is not an expression of District 51 school board policy. The views expressed in The Orange & Black do not necessarily represent the views of the entire staff, adviser, GJHS administration or the School District 51 administration. Board policy regarding student publications (JICEA, JICEA-R) are available on the Mesa Valley School District 51 website by clicking here.
Colorado Student Rights
From the Student Press Law Center’s “A Guide to Colorado’s Student Free Expression Law:” First passed in 1990 and updated in 2020, the law (C.R.S.A. § 22-1-120) protects the press freedom of Colorado’s public school student journalists and their advisers. The law says that student media cannot be censored except in certain very narrow circumstances, and that school employees cannot be penalized for refusing to infringe on a student’s press rights. For more details check out the SPLC link regarding Colorado student media rights.
Letters to the Editor
The Orange & Black welcomes and encourages letters to the editors. This is a chance to express your viewpoint on important issues. Letters should be limited to 200 words. They will be edited for space and legal considerations, but not for inaccuracies, grammar or spelling. Letters must contain information pertinent to the students of GJHS. The staff retains the right to not publish any letter not meeting these requirements. Unsigned letters will not be published. The identity of letter writers must be validated in person or by phone. Please submit typed letters in person to the Main Office attention the Orange & Black or via e-mail to [email protected]
Single copies free. Where available, additional copies of this paper are available for purchase for $1 each. Contact The Orange & Black for more information. Taking more than one copy of this paper with the intent to prevent other individuals from reading this edition of the paper is prohibited (C.R.S. 18-4-419). Violators, subject to prosecution and penalty under C.R.S. 13-21-123, will be prosecuted.
History & Print Archives
The first edition of the Orange & Black student newspaper at Grand Junction High School was published on Dec. 23, 1918. An early staff member and editor was Dalton Trumbo, widely considered the most famous graduate of GJHS and most famous citizen of the city of Grand Junction. Trumbo went on to briefly work as a reporter becoming a Hollywood screenwriter. An Academy Award winner, his most famous films were “Spartacus” (1960) and “Roman Holiday” (1953). Trumbo was the focus of a 2015 film called “Trumbo” that tells his story, including the famous Hollywood 10 controversy.
The O&B grew to become one of the most successful and most highly-respected student organizations at GJHS. The tradition continues with the quarterly print magazine available on campus and linked on the website in archives and the active oandbnews.com website where timely content is published regularly. The award-winning student publication represents the voice of students at GJHS.
The Orange & Black is regularly honored statewide by the Colorado Student Media Association (CSMA). Read more about award winners in the local newspaper, the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, by clicking on the article about the 2024 awards, the 2023 awards, the 2022 awards, and a special national award in 2021 for coverage of the aging GJHS building.
The Orange & Black depends on the generous support of the Grand Junction community to operate. Support in the form of sponsorships for the print edition are available every edition, as well as print advertising and website advertising. Contact the O&B for more information. Thank you to our supportive sponsors!
The Orange & Black, Grand Junction High School, 1400 N. Fifth St., Grand Junction, CO 81501.
Phone: 970-254-6929. FAX: 970-254-6973.
Web site: OandBnews.com.
Adviser e-mail: [email protected]
Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.
© 2018 The Orange and Black Grand Junction High School. All rights reserved.