After a successful 2024-2025 school year, the Grand Junction High School Mock Trial Black Team has qualified for state.
The Mock Trial A team, or Black Team, placed second whereas the B team, or Orange Team, placed third during the regional tournament, which is a very significant placement for a B team. This is the first time in five years that the GJHS Mock Trial team has qualified for state.
“They worked pretty hard, and my attorney coach and I were pretty hard on them because they told us at the beginning they wanted to win. If they wanna have fun, then we can just do this and accept the result. When they say they wanna win, we work them hard,” said GJHS teacher and Mock Trial coach Mark Carris.
The club, coached by Carris and family attorney Kali Roundy-Lockwood, also has three club members elected to the board, including GJHS seniors Tessa Egge, Lila Mottram, and Elli Scott.
“In Mock Trial, you learn how to be professional, you learn public speaking, you learn how to work as a team, and you also learn the very basics of how a trial works and the legal system overall,” said Egge.
Mock trials are practices where teams of six to twelve students comprise both a prosecuting and defending team with three students acting as attorneys and three students acting as witnesses on each side. Presiding in front of a real judge, the teams present their cases. Community members like attorneys and paralegals score the teams based on their performances.
“When they go into law, they’re gonna learn an awful lot about how trial procedures work, because they’re gonna get a sample case and learn anything involved in the case. Some evidence is not admissible, so they’ll learn a lot about how a legal case works,” said Carris.
Glenwood Springs High School’s A Team won the regional tournament, finishing one win and three ballots ahead of GJHS Black Team. The GJHS Orange Team tied for third with Glenwood Springs High School’s B Team, Montrose High School, and Steamboat Springs High School with two wins each. Glenwood B took the third place title, however, as they scored higher individual points.
Colorado High School Mock Trial State will be held from March 14, 2025 to March 15, 2025 in the Pueblo County Courthouse in Pueblo, Colorado.