The Denver Broncos organization have made possibly the biggest philanthropic decision in the franchise’s 65-year history, and Grand Junction High School is one of the beneficiaries.
The Broncos, Colorado’s NFL football team, will be partnering with Riddell to be the first ever NFL franchise to give more than 15,000 helmets to all 277 high schools across their base state as a part of their “All in. All covered” initiative.
“We still have not been approved by our legal council to proceed with this offer. It is my hope that we can progress soon,” District 51 Athletic Director Paul Cain replied in an email.
Over the course of 2025-2028, each school would receive a number of helmets based on spending habits and. The amount of helmets will also depend on the classification, for example: Grand Junction High School and Central High School are class 4A, so the teams would receive 84 total helmets. Fruita Monument, which is a 5A team, would receive 25 helmets each year over the four years. Part of the Broncos’ initiative is to decrease head injuries in young football players.
“I think that the Broncos giving away helmets is a really cool thing that will benefit players and may even inspire them to go farther in their football career,” said GJHS sophomore linebacker Wylie Schultz.
The helmets they chose aren’t cheap either. All 15,000 of the helmets are the Riddell Axiom, which are the safest and more personalized upgrade to the popular Schutt F7, which is the current helmet of GJHS.
Each new helmet is worth over $750, bringing the total to upwards of $11,250,000 in helmets being distributed. Most high school budgets usually can’t find the space to pay for 35-50 expensive helmets, but schools will have the opportunity to get helmets installed with InSite Smart Helmet Technology. The hit-tracking software is used to track hit placement so the coaches may adjust the way their players hit to minimize injury.
“I don’t know how it’s gonna reduce injuries, but I think it’ll motivate us to be smarter with hits,” said GJHS sophomore free safety Kolton Music.
The new helmets would be a improvement from the helmets used previously by the GJHS football team, with the bar that goes over the facemask being removed to provide more flexibility around the helmet. The helmets are also custom fitted for each head size and shape. The padding inside provides extra protection, being sectioned for individual flexibility and maximum energy absorption.
Overall, the helmets have been designed for maximum safety and comfort for those who wear them, making the Broncos’ choice of helmet appear most beneficial to both sides of the ball.