New Schedule, Same Problems

Tiger time: a free period that seems to cause nothing but an uproar for the students of Grand Junction High School

As we emerge into the second quarter of the school year, there is yet another schedule change causing uproar among GJHS students. Similar to Fruita Monument High School’s “Block Schedule”, the GJHS faculty has followed in the Wildcats’ footsteps in creating their own version of double class periods on Wednesdays and Thursdays with moderation. While the Tiger Time system as been scheduled to follow 8th and 7th block days in the past, the new and “improved” schedule has made a quick U-Turn on the system, scheduling the infamous Tiger Time every block day after the first block hour.

After the 7th and 8th hour bell dismissed students on block days at 2:00 p.m., there was a 50-minute window for students to get extra homework help; now this free period stands at 8:55, being similar to last year’s advisory schedule.

“It’s not the greatest. Having tiger time at the end of the day allowed me to go home early and work on homework after school.” Noah Snodgrass, junior, said. In the past, Tiger Time gave student athletes like Snodgrass time to go home stay on top of schoolwork before sports, or grab gear prior to practices.

Another huge change has been made in the new schedule: Freshmen have the same lunch hour as upperclassmen on block days. The newest problem that stands is whether or not 9th graders will be permitted to go off campus for lunch on our block days.

“The freshmen are going to go off of campus for lunch now whether or not administration approves.” Said Snodgrass.

As freshmen are given the opportunity to go off campus for lunch now, the concept around “Freshmen Academy” is being questioned.

“I like how us freshmen can go off campus for lunch now.” Riley Pope, freshmen, said.

While freshmen are jumping with joy with the new opportunity of catching a ride with an upper-classmen friend to Chick-Fil-A or Taco Bell, there is concern of whether or not students’ absence records are going to start shooting up.

“Since Tiger Time is after first hour now, I imagine lots of kids will be sleeping in until the second block hour starts.” Jonathan Balding, freshmen, said.

Tiger Time has been a love-hate relationship for the students of Grand Junction High School, as it has been a great time to meet with teachers, but also an extreme inconvenience for many upperclassmen. The question that remains is: Will GJHS faculty continue Tiger Time in the upcoming 2019-2020 school year, or revert to a normal school schedule? Stay tuned tigers.