Senior Basketball: Truett Richardson

Truett Richardson


Unknown Passion

  • At the young age of 7, Truett was bored, but one night had the brilliant idea to ask his parents about playing the sport. When asked, “Truett why did you choose basketball of all sports?” Truett responded with, “eh… gave me something to do and what do you know, I was actually good at it.”

Special Figure

  • Truett looks up to his dad. Truett thinks his dad has all the great characteristics of a father: loving, caring, hardworking and always providing for his family. When asked, “Why your dad instead of someone like Lebron James”, Truett said, “I actually look much like my dad. We sound a lot alike when talking and look like we could be twins and I feel we share many of the same intentions.”

Buzzer Beater

  • During his 8th grade year of AAU, Truett sped to the end of the court, much like a dog would when asked if it wanted a treat. Truett,  as the offender, delivered a memorable game-winning buzzer-beater!

Pumped up by Smooth Jazz

  • Before every game, Truett prays and listens to music. When asked if he has a certain genre or pump up song, Truett told us, “I  literally listens to anything, so it doesn’t matter.” Therefore, the world may never know if he listens to Taylor Swift or a little bit of smooth jazz to ease his mind before games.

Man’s Best Friend

  • No, Truett does not take long walks on the beach, as we all know there isn’t a beach for miles from Grand Junction. Actually,  he enjoys taking his best friend JJ, the Mini Australian Shepard, for runs, to play fetch and enjoy the wonderful scenery.

Lucky Number 0

  • Instead of repping a classic Kobe Bryant 24, a Magic Johnson 32 or even Allen Iverson 3,  Truett, much like Russell Westbrook, wears the sought after number 0. When asked, “why the number 0?” Truett told us he feels like he stands out and people see 0 on the court and know they are looking at Truett. Now every time you see or hear 0, you think of his game winning shot he made the night before or the block that sent the ball back into the defender’s face.