Your New Head Girl

Royanna Crawford and Kainoa Cunningham are GJHS’s new Head Girl and Head Boy

When you walked through the halls of GJHS recently, it was pretty hard not to notice the posters and free treats being passed out from the campaigners for Head Girl and Head Boy. Each campaigner worked their hardest to communicate to GJHS what they were going to do if they became Head Girl or Head Boy, and now to step into the roles of former GJHS Head Boy and Girl, Royanna Crawford and Kainoa Cunningham are ready to take on the challenge.

“I joined student council in 8th grade and ever since I have heard about Head Girl, I have wanted to live up to that role and be able to take over that position of leadership. When I found out that I won, I was sitting in my hotel room in London and I was so nervous that I had to my sister look at the results and once I found out, I was so excited I started screaming and doing a happy dance,” Crawford, head girl, said.

The students who take over the position of head girl and head boy are representatives for our student body and have to take over any challenges the student body presents. Head girl and head boy are focused on changing our student body for the better, and listening to the problems that students face.

“I want our student body to be more inclusive, so that everyone that comes here feels like they are in a safe environment where they can have a friend, no one should feel alone. I also know that Cunningham and I are the gap between the administers and the student body. We want the student body to have a voice and be heard when it comes to school policies,” Crawford said.

While all of the candidates who ran for head girl or head boy were well qualified, Crawford and Cunningham’s passion and hard work stood out to the student body.

“I have been involved in many extracurricular and leadership opportunities, as well as getting the opportunity to travel which I think is very important, because you learn about other cultures. Cunningham and I are both very passionate both student council and we want to make a change over the next year,” Crawford said.